Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a TAR Club in my area?
Our most popular question! There very well may be a club, or could be one that you can help restart! The first way to find out is to do a quick Google search and check Facebook fan pages. If you don’t find close by, National TARS would be glad to send you materials to help start a TAR Club!
What positions need to be filled?
Team work makes the dream work! Seriously. There is a lot of responsibility that needs to be delegated to leaders in your TAR Club. Every TAR Club needs a Chairman (President), Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and adult Advisor. Many clubs elect co-chairmen as well as additional positions, such as a Social Media Officer. More information about these roles can be found in the TAR Organizational Manual.
Can my club have “Young Republicans” in the title?
No. Because Young Republicans (ages 18-40) is an official auxiliary of the Republican Party, please choose a name that properly corresponds with your club.
Are there member fees?
National TARS does not collect any member fees. Clubs may, however, agree in their club’s constitution to collect member fees.