Who are TARS? Teen Age Republicans have a great opportunity to serve their community and country while learning about the political process. As a TAR, you become aware of national and international issues and how current events impact your life. With effective club programming, TARS grow into leaders and sway elections. This can make a…
Network with TARS
Meet fellow Teenage Republicans from across the country. TAR friendships last a lifetime.
Meet GOP Leaders
Meet with Republican officials, Party leaders, and leading change-makers in the Conservative movement. Make valuable connections.
Empower Your Chapter
Learn ways to empower your chapter and peers. Talk with other TARS and learn new ways to empower and engage your chapter in your area.
TARS In Action
Teen Age Republicans work hard, and we want to showcase some of their efforts.
Want to join the party?
Let`s get in touch. We can help you get involved.
Get In Touch
Take the first step in making a lifetime of memories.
National TAR Headquarters | P.O. Box 2128 Manassas, VA 20108